CANNABIS IN HIGHTUNNELSGrowing crops in greenhouses is fast becoming a preferred norm in the agricultural community- Cultivation of Cannabis in a Greenhouse is also proven the way to go and is preferably farmers and even many the law enforcement officials across the country and in Northern California as well. These new-age greenhouses are actually called Hightunnels which is actually a high tech "cold frame" and not the traditional wood & glass greenhouse as they are considered "temporary structures" which can greatly aid agriculture operations. The USDA now encourages and even funds hightunnels for farmers growing conventional crops as these systems conserve water, power, and serve as a habitat for biological alternatives for pest control (such as ladybugs and lacewings) instead of chemical pesticides. These hightunnel systems utilize natural ventilation and passive solar principals to enhance production and do not rely on electricity or heating fuels. Greenhouses (hightunnels) allow cultivators to limit production costs and benefit the environment by cutting down the carbon footprint of growing operations. Because of this, greenhouses have taken hold in both the conventional crop and cannabis industry. As cultivation expert Jorge Cervantes put it, "a greenhouse is one of the best places to grow medicinal marijuana." Cannabis growers see the same advantages of being able to control the environmental conditions of their plants as well as having an alternative to chemical farming- add to this the added necessity of physical security and biological isolation and these systems are the wave of the future in crop production. Across the country more and more square footage is utilized for growing non-psychoactive cannabis for medicine (High CBD) varieties and more recently, for recreational (THC) use, where it is allowed. Medicinal growers find with a greenhouse, they can eliminate cross pollination isolate the mostly CBD strains that have been medically proven to alleviate pain, nausea, seizures; spasticity, epilepsy and neuropathic pain. It seems likely that it is just a matter of time before limited personal grows of THC types in a secure structure as well as large-scale commercial (and TAXABLE) grows of the CBD types will be allowed. Being able to lock the doors and keep those who should not have access to cannabis (primarily children and pets) is another reason for growing in a greenhouse, as these structures can be hardened to control access. Several nearby county officials have expressed to their growing communities that they would prefer all grows be indoor (greenhouse) and even some counties with the most restrictive 'rules' still license secure greenhouse grows. While most greenhouse grows are in rural areas an on agricultural land, greenhouses are also suitable for urban settings- as they can be seen as compliant- if the grower can assure authorities that the structure can be secured have virtually little negative footprint You can also control the smell by using carbon exhaust filters and utilizing light proof covers to eliminate light pollution. Where it is currently allowed (or not)- more and more people are growing pot. Personal use is the main reason with commercial production close behind- with CBD varieties grown for commercial medicinal use showing great signs of promise. Bottom line is that virtually all the growers I meet tell me that just really enjoy growing the herb. |